It’s “the exploitation of creative labor by big tech”
Megan Auman
I was listening to one of my favorite podcasts – Windowsill Chats with Margo Tantau – and she was having a conversation with Megan Auman – a powerhouse in creativity and art business – and she put what many are feeling about AI so succinctly, that I had to share. While much of the conversation centered on how AI tools can be effective, the more recent “generative” AI is what creative types take issue with and she stated it’s “the exploitation of creative labor by big tech.” and it was a big Ah-Ha! moment for me.
There have been many wonderful innovations from big tech but when creating new technology, we need to stop and ask: what is the end goal for us as humans? Is it to replace artistry? Will it make our lives easier? Give us more time? Once we have more time, what does that mean for our workflow and lifestyles? If there is a silver lining, it’s that AI is creating thoughtful conversations around labor and I hope in the end that it’s fruitful.

I encourage you to listen to the podcast episode and consider how AI will take a part – if at all – in your life.