I feel a little like this image above lately. I have so many clear visions of things that I’d like to do, but the rest of me is just a blurred mess. Ha! I’m on a small break from roller derby, so I have a smidge more time and a mostly pain-free body that allows me to do more things, but I’m just not feeling any motivation. I have so many great projects at my fingertips, but I’m just feeling sort of “blah”. If you follow me on Instagram, you’ll see that I’ve begun painting shoes, some fun and amazing lettering projects, and so many fun things going on – but I’m feeling a little all over the place. Maybe that’s why I’m feeling this way. Maybe just putting it out there publicly will help clear the fog a bit. I’ve also completely abandoned my sketch books… why? I don’t know, but I’m going to get back to it. I’m hoping 2014 is going to be a great year, with personal and creative growth!
Image by Joseba Eskubi