I’ve been on a new journey, researching my family history. I’ve uncovered some things, found ancestors we never knew of, and best of all, talked to relatives about stories from my family. One that my dad never shared with me until recently, is that his grandmother (or his mom’s, mom) didn’t know how to write. At times they even believed she only signed an X for her name. But aside from that, he said she could draw incredibly well. This shocked me as he NEVER told me this before. He said she would draw delicate butterflies, and birds too. Though they have no idea what happened to any of the drawings, it puts a little smile into my heart to know that an ancestor of mine had a love for drawing as much as I love the craft.
That’s amazing. I love finding out things about my family when researching my genealogy. It’s so interesting to see where you came from, you know? I hope you find out more gems like this!
Diane Faye Zerr
Thanks Whitney! It’s been fun playing detective for my family, and I’m hoping to find much more in the process.